What keeps me going
When I squeezed a first tube of oil paint in 2017, little did I know that three years later I'd be doing that almost daily. And now I'd find it hard to imagine ever stopping. I have so much to explore, experience and investigate within myself and around me, and paint is my chance to do it.
But to have the strength to do it regularly, to share it and to hold onto the idea it can be my career, is a different battle! I feel very grateful that since starting this journey, I've been receiving a lot of support and encouraging signs that simply help me invest hopes a little further as I go.
I feel particularly lucky with the encouragements received during the past six months, a period where they were much needed! It felt like an insight into my future life, when I'll no longer be a student and will aim to work less as a life model and more through my paintings. And.. So far it worked! So I guess below is as much to share those happy moments with you, as for myself to pause and finally realise all that has been paying off.
April started with the amazing news of winning the Leatherseller's Prize for my gouache 'Suzy'. This little painting and three others had been selected in the Royal Institute of painters in water colours, my second year exhibiting here. It was a real surprise, and I'm really happy the show was rescheduled later on with a physical exhibition at the Mall Galleries after a first presence online.
In September my portrait of Matthew joined the walls of the Mall Galleries for the Royal Portrait Society annual exhibition, only to remember that three years before I stepped in this gallery for the first time during their private view. Pretty chuffed to now be part of it.
The Now We Are Six group exhibition we had been meaning to present in April has found a virtual home online and it was a lot of fun (and hard work!) creating it with James.
We had meant to present the work in the flesh as soon as possible, but it hasn't been possible yet. Let's see what 2021 holds, I can only be grateful for everything this project had brought already, and the friendships that inspired it.
Helped by my mother as my very enthusiastic French representative (merci !), my painting Sketchbook: Sleep was selected for the initiative #SoutiensUnArtiste and presented by the Rouillac Auction House. It felt all too special seeing it in their catalogue.
The curator Adela Blanco honoured me by including my lockdown work in the group exhibition Isolation - Life Indoors presented online through her virtual gallery.
Probably the best surprises were to sell little paintings directly: my mint, a little girl from my head, Sara's flowers and my rescue plant by the window have all found new homes, some as far as the US and Canada, going oversea before me.
It makes me so happy, a feeling for which words are lacking. I always paint with my heart, but never imagine those little paintings reaching other's. I'll try to build more faith in them and make it a bit more vocal that all my work is available to find new homes.
I also had the chance to paint for precious occasions: this painting and this drawing for #PortraitForNHSHeroes, the wonderful initiative led by Tom Croft; a birthday present; a family gift. I'm always so honoured when people ask me for a commission.
From next year and the end of my studies, I'll have more slots available for those and would be delighted to hear from you.
And finally, not a painting, but another little thing of mine: I got the opportunity to share my story regarding my hands and the amniotic band syndrome that affected them, thanks to the photographer Sophie Mayanne and her project Beyond The Scar. It meant a lot to me.
I'm sooo grateful for all this support that keeps showing me I'm on the right path. It's of course not all the time a success; my work gets rejected (I tried this self-portrait in the Sequestered Prize, and proceeded to frame this one for the Castlegate Prize when it got pre-selected), my application didn’t go through for the Drawing Year. I also got selected ‘by mistake’ to an award and told a few days later I had actually been rejected.
Just to say: I feel incredibly lucky that I can decide not to let those things affect me and focus on the positive. Because at the end of the day what fills my heart with joy is to have your support, let it be a smile, a word, a commission or simply some time spent looking at my little creations.
It means the world to me, the rest is bonus.
So… thank you for helping me believe in what I do! ♥